Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Grouchies

Today was a grouchy day in all respects. Squidgee is teething and therefore already grouchy and too ouchy to sleep which made him even more grouchy. Spiff is two and and a half which is a good enough reason in itself but also just happened to also wake up on the wrong side of the bed which shouldn't even happen since his bed is pushed up against the wall and there is only one side to wake up on. He was whiny and needy all day with the ever-so-vague and even-more-annoying "I want something" chorus on repeat mode. He must have said it about 300 times. Sounds like a lot, but it is likely to be an accurate count since he said it every half hour and at least 15 times in a row when he did. By 4:00 I was sick of hearing it and about to scream! I said as much, and I must have said it in a not-so-very nice manner since Spiff's whining became crying. "Be nice to me!" he sobbed. "I'm a kid!" Which really put it all into perspective. I swooped him up over the trying-to-nurse Sqidgee and gave him a big hug. Kids aren't stupid. He knew he found a good line, and boy did he use it. "I'm a kid, I'm a kid, I'm a kid. Be nice," he sobbed, beating me into an ever lower feeling. But all in all, while that broke my heart, it sure beat hearing the I-want-somethings. He was so obviously tired, fifteen minutes later he fell asleep and I let him since I was just as tired even though it meant a hysterical wake-up and postponed bedtime. But it also meant The Guy and I had a nice relaxing quiet dinner without a two year old telling us to "Stop talking." Some advice is nice, the ordering about by an even more diminutive-than-the-original Napoleon is not. So, yes, yes, it was worth it.

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